Stroke Organizations

As stroke survivors move on with their lives through new challenges, society should give them the confidence that they are not alone. For this, there is an urgent need to solve relevant issues such as stroke prevention, available continuous care, and rehabilitation programs that facilitate reintegration in society.

Stroke survivors need support by their community: 

In 2040, 155 million Europeans will be over 65.6 and without decisive actions, the number of citizens suffering from Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) and the burden of dealing with the disease will increase dramatically. For example, the projected number of people living with stroke will increase from nine million in 2017 to 12 million in 2040.
Given these projections, several organizations (see have urged Europe to develop a comprehensive European plan to address the burden of cardiovascular disease (CVD). Strokes and heart attacks are cardiovascular diseases and are the leading cause of death in Europe. 
According to these organization, this plan should catalyze research and innovation in CVD (and its interaction with other chronic diseases) and promote public-private partnerships in CVD innovation. Who should be involved?  Policy and funding instruments, such as Horizon Europe, the EU4Health Programme, the European Health Data Space and Next Generation EU, could help as well as through healthcare and life sciences related policy instruments. 
Action Plan for Stroke in Europe 2018–2030. Norrving, B., Barrick, J., Davalos, A., Dichgans, M., Cordonnier, C., Guekht, A., ... & Caso, V. (2018). European Stroke Journal, 3(4), 309-336

Solving the burden of stroke: European active organizations 

    Organizations                                                                             Links
European Stroke Organization ESO
Stroke Alliance for Europe
European Federation of Neurological Associations
European Stroke Research Foundation (ESRF)
European Reference Network for Rare Neurological Diseases (ERN-RND)
In 2040, 155 million Europeans will be over 65.6 and without decisive actions, the number of citizens suffering from Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) and the burden of dealing with the disease will increase dramatically. For example, the projected number of people living with stroke will increase from nine million in 2017 to 12 million in 2040.

Education Neurorehab is an educational platform linked to the EIT health project RGS@home


Local Stroke Organizations


Catalonia Fundació Ictus
Federacion Española ictus
Associació de persones amb accident vascular cerebral (Association for people with stroke)
Federación Española de Daño Cerebral
Soceidad Española de Neurociencias
Sociedad Española de Neurologia
Asociación de Daño cerebral sobrevenido de Madrid
Asociación de Familiares y Enfermos de ICTUS de Granada
Superar l'Ictus BCN


Société Française Neuro-Vasculaire (SFNV)(French Stroke Society)
Fondation pour la recherche sur les AVC
Fédération Nationale France AVC


STROKE-Riksförbundet (The Swedish Stroke Association)
Stroke Alliance for Europe
The Swedish Society of Hypertension, Stroke and Vascular Medicine